
Cutting costs, not quality, across industries

Blueink is revolutionizing how businesses of all sizes manage eSignature workflows, seamlessly connecting and automating processes, achieving greater speed, cutting costs by half, and improving experiences for employees and signers.

eSign software that's adaptable and versatile

Elevate government operations with centralized eSignature solutions

Streamline cross-department, city and statewide document management workflows by with the most affordable platform on the market. Receive top-notch support, and your own adoption team ready-and-willing to assist with onboarding, all while saving 50% off the cost of our largest competitors. Government clients benefit from the following:

  • Procurement Simplified: Blueink is available on NASPO, Omnia, and GSA schedules - bypass the lengthy RFP processes.
  • Faster Workflows: Simplify complex multi-department, multi-city document flows.
  • Happy Constituents: User-friendly tools that offer accessibility for all ages and demographics.
  • Modern, Paperless Operations: Digital transformation is here, and Blueink’s intuitive eSignature platform can get you to paperless faster.
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School districts are delighted by eSignature savings

The schools evolving to adopt digital technologies that improve student experiences will be pioneers in the future of education. Speed up paper-based processes and reduce electronic signature costs by half so you can spend your precious dollars on the wishlist of items that never find the dollars they deserve. Many K-12 schools choose Blueink to:

  • Delight families: Simplify student and parent interactions with a seamless, digital-first, mobile experience that speeds up policy approvals, meeting documents, and more.
  • Limit homework: Prevent staff from having to correct and redo manual data-entry work due to errors in paper-based forms.
  • Deliver A+ Automation: Replace mountains of paperwork with a connected, fully-automated document management workflow.
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Enhance patient experiences
& reduce administrative complexity

Healthcare decision-makers are embracing secured digital solutions to streamline online workflows like patient intake forms, HR functions, and backend contract processes. Numerous healthcare providers entrust their operations to Blueink, given our deep commitment and security and data compliance. With Blueink, your healthcare organization can:

  • Enable a contactless patient journey.
  • Make eSignatures accessible even to patients without access to much technology.
  • Entrust Blueink with their private organization and patient data.
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Manage tenant & lessee agreements with ease

With Blueink's comprehensive eSignature solutions, your property management, on-site teams, and lessees or tenants will all be pleased with the platform's simplicity, including dynamic delivery of documents, automated alerts and notifications throughout the agreement journey. Expedite agreement workflows, minimize errors, and allocate more time to the other areas of business management. Blueink’s housing clients enjoy:

  • Seamless Transactions: Prepare, sign, and manage housing forms effortlessly.
  • Faster agreements: Accelerate transactions, reduce errors, and focus on growth.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Spend less time on paperwork and more on client interactions.
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Build better bonds with policyholders using best-in-class eSign solutions

Whether you’re a carrier or agency, Blueink has the tools, templates, and mobile experiences to keep you nimble and connected. We know that your ability to deliver value and simplify your policyholder’s life is critical – and our team is here to support. Blueink can help you:

  • Sign from anywhere, anytime: Intuitive online signing is just what you and your policyholders need.
  • Modernized integrations: Simple integrations allow for faster turnaround times, ultimately earning you the commissions you deserve.
  • Robust Compliance: Support compliance, improve security, and track agreement activity round-the-clock.
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People deserve your time, not (electronic) documents

Transform hiring, onboarding, and document management, optimizing efficiency and focusing on people, not paperwork. The market to attract and retain talent is tough today, so Blueink is here to reduce the amount of time and money that your firm spends on electronic document creation, sending and signing. Blueink recruiting, staffing and internal HR functions enjoy:

  • Rapid Document Signing: From ready-made templates, to signature alerts and more you’ll spend less time managing documents and more time where it matters most.
  • Seamless Hiring Experience: Quickly distribute policy documents and job offers allowing for self-submission and signing from any location.
  • Automate what’s menial: Eliminate delays, reduce costs, and leverage straightforward automations for faster task completion.
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Less time managing online documents means growth for your firm

Whether you’re a bank, commercial lender, wealth management or corporate banking firm, Blueink helps financial institutions securely and electronically send and sign new account, servicing, lending forms and more. Maintain a complete audit trail for every agreement.

  • Delight customers with mobile-friendly account opening and onboarding experiences
  • Efficiently store, search and track key documents across the lending lifecycle
  • Reduce compliance risk with digital audit trails and workflow tools for managing changes to clauses
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Prioritize senior living experiences with Blueink's resident-centric solutions

Elevate senior living experiences with Blueink's resident-centric eSignature solutions. Automate processes to prioritize residents, simplify administrative tasks, offer seamless interactions, and ensure compliance.

  • Streamlined Resident Services: Expedite administrative tasks so staff can focus on the health and happiness of residents.
  • Digital doesn’t have to be difficult: Provide a user-friendly digital experience for seniors, even those without an email.
  • Compliance: Demonstrated regulatory adherence with a comprehensive document and signature activities record.
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Hybrid shopping is now a norm– continue to transform your retail business with online document management

By digitizing agreements, your business can enhance customer interactions, improve efficiency, and drive growth, ensuring a seamless and satisfying retail experience.

  • Personalized Shopping Journey: Elevate customer satisfaction by providing a personalized purchase experience.
  • Efficient Operations: Reduce costs by eliminating manual processes and expenses associated with paper-based transactions.
  • Boosted Productivity: Allocate more time to growth-oriented tasks by streamlining document processes.
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Accelerate pipeline and revenue with the seamless eSign experiences

Buyer’s today have high expectations and limited time. At Blueink, we aim to support your sales process with faster funnel velocity, exceptional customer satisfaction, easy online user experiences and building more efficient operations that keep your sales team humming and your revenue growing. Technology companies choose Blueink for:

  • Accelerated Revenue: By closing deals in hours, not weeks, through automated contracting, maximizing revenue.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Make buying easy and amaze customers with seamless and efficient processes.
  • Savings, savings, savings: At half the cost of the giants like Docusign, your bottom line and your CFO will thank you.
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Choose eSignature excellence with Blueink

50% Less: Blueink eSignatures

50% less than eSignature giants

Blueink's cost-effective solutions are designed to align with the unique needs of industries like government, healthcare, and education, offering a remarkable 50% cost advantage compared to Docusign.
Security & Compliance, No Compromises

Uncompromised security & compliance

Blueink prioritizes the stringent security demands of government, healthcare, and education sectors. Our offerings include robust compliance with industry-specific HIPAA, GDPR, and 21 CFR Part 11 regulations.

Optimized signer experience

Blueink's mobile feature delivers a signer-friendly experience. Our eSignature solutions are tailored workflows, signing procedures, and seamless client management meeting industry needs.
Premium Support, No Extra Fees

Comprehensive support

Our enterprise pricing covers premium features like live chat assistance, migration support, and user training, ensuring our plans, including exceptional support, are fully aligned with the needs of specific industries.