Montgomery ISD achieves 100% signature compliance with Blueink: A Time-Saving Solution

Montgomery Independent School District (MISD) is a public school district based in Montgomery, Texas. MISD serves the city of Montgomery, portions of Conroe, and the surrounding unincorporated areas of Montgomery County. The district has earned high marks for its performance, receiving an A grade from the Texas Education Agency for the 2018–2019 and 2021-2022 school years.


How Blueink Brought 100% Compliance to Montgomery ISD

Education is the key to success, but in the era of rapid digital transformation, sticking to traditional methods are becoming less sufficient. Effective education hinges on seamless communication and stringent compliance. 

Schools and universities must invest in technology to keep pace with changing demands and expectations. For instance, using eSignature solutions like Blueink allows educational institutions to efficiently manage consent forms, enrollment documents, and faculty contracts. This ensures a seamless and secure process for all stakeholders

Montgomery Independent School District (MISD) is a public school district based in Montgomery, Texas. MISD serves the city of Montgomery, portions of Conroe, and the surrounding unincorporated areas of Montgomery County. The district has earned high marks for its performance, receiving an A grade from the Texas Education Agency for the 2018–2019 and 2021-2022 school years. 

Julie Holmes, Assistant Director of the Specialized Learning Department at Montgomery ISD, shared her journey, specifically with how Blueink, the #1 DocuSign Alternative has revolutionized their processes.

From Paperwork to Digital Efficiency

Before adopting Blueink, Montgomery ISD relied heavily on traditional methods for obtaining signatures. Holmes noted that the team often used emails and physical forms sent home with students, which led to low response rates and compliance issues. 

"We used email to email a lot of our forms or we sent them home with students to just do the old-fashioned way, get signatures," she recalled.

Even the previous attempts with Adobe proved ineffective, creating an urgent need for a reliable solution.

“We were not successful in getting signatures back from our parents. We attempted Adobe here and there, but just we hadn't found anything that worked and that helped with our compliance,” Julie detailed.

The turning point came when Julie's director, familiar with Blueink from her previous district, advocated for its adoption. 

Julie explained, "Our director had used Blueink in her previous district and there was no other trying anything else. She knew for sure this is what we needed and that's why we went with Blueink."

Working Smarter, Not Harder

Blueink significantly transformed operations within Montgomery ISD. Julie emphasized that it enabled staff to "work smarter, not harder," alleviating the burden of chasing signatures. With limited resources in public education, the ability to secure signatures efficiently was invaluable.

Parents found the process user-friendly, leading to almost 100% compliance in signature collection. "Our compliance to signatures was almost at 100% because of using Blueink," Julie shared.

Using the Blueink dashboard, Julie’s team easily tracked who had signed documents and what was still pending. Each staff member managed their own documents while working collaboratively, fostering a team-oriented environment.

"Everybody was very good about managing their own documents and what they had coming in and going out. And we really worked together as a team," Holmes explained.

She highlighted the ease of use as her favorite aspect of Blueink. "It was about three clicks and you had already done your job. And I did love that," she said. The ability to review documents before sending and attach messages within the platform added layers of efficiency, ensuring clear communication throughout the process.

"Our staff could not only attach things to what they were sending for signature, but they could also send messages through Blueink with that. And that was really, again, a time saver," she added.

Seamless Implementation and Real-World Impact

The implementation of Blueink was notably seamless. With guidance from Blueink’s team, including training sessions, the transition faced no major hiccups. Holmes’ staff were enthusiastic about moving to a more effective signature system, marking a significant upgrade from previous practices. "We had a little training actually online on a video call, and knock on wood, we have not experienced any major difficulties," Julie recalled. 

Blueink proved particularly beneficial for sending meeting invitations to parents, which were legally required in Texas.

"Prior to Blueink, it was kind of a parent's word against our word that we had sent it, that we had attempted it. And Blueink was additional documentation for us to be able to back that up and say, look, we sent it on this date with a timestamp," Julie explained.

Additionally, obtaining consents for student evaluations became much more efficient, allowing staff to serve students better. Feedback from parents and staff was positive. Many parents preferred Blueink over other eSignature solutions, appreciating the convenience of signing documents from their phones.

"They've even kind of said they prefer it over a DocuSign type program," Julie shared. With nearly 40 staff members using the platform, any questions or concerns were quickly resolved, fostering a supportive environment.

"We receive all positive feedback. Parents really, the parents that are completing these forms, find such ease with it," she added.

Blueink as a Reliable Investment

For districts evaluating e-signature solutions, Julie strongly advocated for Blueink. She cited its time efficiency, effectiveness, and user-friendly interface as key reasons for its superiority over competitors. The versatility of Blueink allowed its use across various programs within the district, making it a comprehensive solution. 

Julie summarized, “We get a lot out of what we put into Blueink, and we feel like it’s completely effective.” 

Julie's testimony with Blueink set an example of how a thoughtful investment in technology could transform educational operations. By streamlining processes, enhancing compliance, and fostering collaboration, Blueink proved to be an indispensable tool for Montgomery ISD.

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