How Reel Security Enhanced Efficiency and Customer Service

Reel Security, a leading provider of on-location security services for the entertainment industry, has been safeguarding film sets and equipment against vandalism and theft for 24 years.

In this competitive industry, efficiency and reliability are crucial. To enhance their operational processes while being cost-effective and user-friendly, Reel Security sought an eSignature solution. They found their answer in Blueink, an eSignature platform that not only met but exceeded their expectations.

Minjon Ellison, the HR manager at Reel Security, oversees the hiring and administrative processes. She detailed the company's experience transitioning to Blueink.

Before adopting Blueink

Before adopting Blueink, Reel Security faced significant operational challenges. They used a combination of DocuSign and ADP for document management, which proved hefty and time-consuming. 

Ellison describes their previous process:

"We would send our documents through DocuSign and then download and upload to ADP. It was not only labor-intensive but also frustrating due to the lack of customer support and integration issues."

The primary challenges Reel Security faced included:

  • High Costs: The escalating costs of using DocuSign were becoming unsustainable.
  • Inefficient Processes: The need to manually transfer documents between DocuSign and ADP led to inefficiencies and increased the risk of errors.
  • Poor Customer Support: The inability to reach a live person for support with DocuSign was a major pain point.
  • Complicated Document Management: Setting up document bundles in DocuSign was time-consuming and complex.

The Switch to Blueink: A Cost-Effective Solution  

Reel Security previously used a combination of DocuSign and ADP to handle their document workflows. However, rising costs and usability concerns with DocuSign prompted Ellison and her team to explore other options. 

"A majority of it was the cost. The cost of it was actually going up quite a bit. So we decided to start looking elsewhere to see if there were any other companies that maybe would be a little more user friendly and also open the pocket," Minjon explained.  

Blueink then emerged as the ideal solution for Reel Security's document management needs, offering services at half the cost of its competitor without compromising functionality. 

One of the most significant advantages of Blueink, according to Minjon, is the superior customer service. "The customer service with Blueink has been great. If we reach out and need help with something, we're easily able to get a hold of somebody. With DocuSign, one of my frustrations was I could never get a hold of a live person. I could never speak with someone. I had to just do everything over the chat. That was just very frustrating for me. So I love the personalized care that we get with Blueink."

Minjon also appreciates the ease of integrating Blueink with ADP, which has streamlined their processes considerably. "The API from Blueink to ADP is huge because there are still little things with ADP that we are unable to do. As an example, our offer letters—we are not able to put them into ADP because there are, I wish I was exaggerating, about 17 steps that the employee would have to go through in order to even just review their offer letter. So we use Blueink to send out all of our offer letters and having that API go into ADP is a huge time saver for us."

Time-Saving Features and Improved Workflow

The transition to Blueink has also led to more efficient document handling and reduced lag time. "I definitely hear from the employees that once we send it, they're getting it, they're sending it back. We're not having a lot of lag time. We're not having to do the follow-ups that we would have to do. We would have to call the applicant, ask them if they received the email, just kind of almost hand-holding them. We haven't really had to do that since we've been with Blueink."

Furthermore, setting up document bundles with Blueink has proven to be faster and more straightforward compared to their previous system. "One of the things that was really frustrating for me with DocuSign was the time that it would take me to set up a new envelope, they call them. With Blueink, I have found that it doesn't take me as long to go through and do that, even though I have to do each individual step, it just seems like it's taking me less time and I'm not sure what the difference is with that."

Positive Impact on Daily Operations

Blueink has had a noticeable impact on the daily operations at Reael Security, particularly in the HR department. 

Minjon noted that her administrative assistant, Beth, has found the process of sending out offer letters significantly less time-consuming. "Beth is able to just go in there, send that out. She gets notified every time somebody is opening it, somebody is signing it. So it really has taken that process—the time that it has taken for her in that process has reduced, which leaves her open to be able to do other things."

Customer Service That Stands Out

What sets Blueink apart, according to Minjon, is the exceptional customer service. "For me, it's the customer service side of things. If I at all have any issues or something, even if it's just a simple question, you guys are just there, you're ready to jump on and have a conversation, have a meeting, it doesn't matter the time of day, I can just reach out and it's there."

In a world where personalized customer service is often promised but rarely delivered, Blueink has exceeded expectations for Minjon and her team. "That individualized attention is huge and having that person to be able to go to, like you said, it's just in this world typically you don't have that."

The switch to Blueink yielded tangible improvements in Reel Security's operations. Turnaround times for document processing were drastically reduced. Employees responded more promptly, and the need for follow-ups diminished significantly. Minjon highlights the difference:

"Once we send documents, employees receive them and send them back quickly. We don't have the lag time we had before, and we don’t have to hand-hold applicants through the process."

The streamlined process not only saved time but also reduced administrative burdens, allowing the HR team to focus on more strategic tasks. The positive user experience with Blueink meant fewer errors and a more efficient workflow, ultimately enhancing overall productivity.

  • Enhanced Efficiency: By leveraging Blueink's intuitive interface and ADP integration, Reel Security significantly reduced document processing time and minimized manual errors.
  • Improved User Experience: Employees and HR staff alike reported a more seamless experience with Blueink, with faster turnaround times and fewer follow-ups required.
  • Heightened Satisfaction: The transformative impact of Blueink extended beyond operational efficiency to encompass elevated customer service standards. Reel Security's HR team praised Blueink's proactive approach to customer support, emphasizing the value of having a dedicated partner who prioritizes their needs and provides tailored solutions. 

With Blueink's eSignature solution, Reel Security successfully streamlined its HR processes, achieved cost savings, and improved customer satisfaction. By prioritizing user-friendly features, seamless integration, and personalized support, Minjon's experience highlights the importance of excellent customer service and efficient integrations in choosing the right tools for business operations. Blueink proved to be the ideal partner for Reel Security's evolving needs in the entertainment security industry.

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