Blueink vs Other E-signatures

Using other e-signature? Choose Blueink instead

Experience the best in electronic signatures. Blueink competitors don’t offer the same level of trust, scalability, and cost-efficiency. Choose Blueink for seamless integration and dedicated support.

Start Free Trial

Why choose Blueink eSignature over alternatives

Experience 50% Savings

Discover the Blueink advantage with pricing that's 50% more affordable than Docusign. Your budget stays intact.

API Support Tailored for Developers

Blueink offers dedicated developer support, assisting you seamlessly during integration. Our experts ensure your journey is smooth from start to finish.

No Overage Penalties, Just Growth

Blueink scales as you do. Say goodbye
to overage penalties. Our solution adapts to your needs, ensuring that growth is hassle-free and budget-friendly.

Advanced functionality at the best price

Feature  name
$12 / Per User
$25 / Per User
$14.99 / Per User
Cost Per
Cost Per
No Overages Fees
Unused Envelopes
Support, Training & Onboarding
Additional Cost
Additional Cost
Unlimited Envelope Plan
Customer Service

Advanced functionality at the best price

$12 / Per User
No Overages Fees
Unused Envelopes
Support, Training & Onboarding
Unlimited Envelope Plan
Customer Service
$10 / Per User
Cost Per
No Overages Fees
Unused Envelopes
Support, Training & Onboarding
Additional Cost
Unlimited Envelope Plan
Customer Service
Adobe Sign
$14.99 / Per User
Cost Per
No Overages Fees
Unused Envelopes
Support, Training & Onboarding
Additional Cost
Unlimited Envelope Plan
Customer Service

Advanced functionality at the best price

Explore our transparent plans & pricing. Enjoy 50% savings with no compromises.
Need API Plans & Pricing? Click here.

Billed monthly
Billed yearly
*Save up to 40%


Similar to DocuSign
Standard plan - 52% less

Per user / PER MONTH
Buy Now
120 Envelopes / User / Year
5 Templates
Real-time audit trail
SMS Pin / Selfie / ID Authentication
CC Additional Recipients
Email / Chat Support

Business Pro

Similar to DocuSign
Business Pro plan - 50% less

Per user / PER MONTH
Buy Now
Unlimited Envelopes / User / Year
12 Templates
Real-time audit trail
SMS Pin / Selfie / ID Authentication
CC Additional Recipients
Email / Chat Support
SMS Delivery
Reminder Emails
Custom Messaging
Attachment Fields


Advanced Solutions

Let’s talk
Unlimited Users
Contact us
Unlimited Users
Unlimited Templates
Bulk Send
Smart Link Forms
Custom Reporting
Signing Brands
Customer Success Team
API and Embedded Signing Access


Similar to DocuSign
Standard plan - 52% less

Per user / PER MONTH

$144 billed annually

Buy Now
120 Envelopes / User / Year
5 Templates
Real-time audit trail
SMS Pin / Selfie / ID Authentication
CC Additional Recipients
Email / Chat Support

Business Pro

Similar to DocuSign
Business Pro plan - 50% less

Per user / PER MONTH

$240 billed annually

Buy Now
Unlimited Envelopes / User / Year
12 Templates
Real-time audit trail
SMS Pin / Selfie / ID Authentication
CC Additional Recipients
Email / Chat Support
SMS Delivery
Reminder Emails
Custom Messaging
Attachment Fields


Advanced Solutions

Let’s talk
Unlimited Users
Contact us
Unlimited Users
Unlimited Templates
Bulk Send
Smart Link Forms
Custom Reporting
Signing Brands
Customer Success Team
API and Embedded Signing Access

Looking for quote? Request a quote here.

“We were tired of DocuSign’s inconsistencies, the escalating costs, an account rep that changed every ninety days, and the lackluster customer service. The moment we switched to BlueInk, we experienced immediate benefits – a 45% cost savings, a dedicated support dream-team responding in minutes, and a more efficient business with 58% productivity improvement, 70% faster document turnaround, all in just 3 days."
Bryan Jenkins Principal Broker, AHI Properties
"BlueInk’s reasonable cost and multiple document-sharing options is the fastest and simplest way to get parent signatures, and the cost is unbeatable. Our favorite feature is the text message option, allowing us to effortlessly obtain consent for various forms. We were impressed not just by the functionality but also by the affordability. It's a fraction of the cost compared to other solutions. With BlueInk, we save time, money, and paper.”
Shauni Vaughn Director of Student Services
"Serving workers' comp statewide, signatures were a pain. We tried DocuSign and HelloSign, but they weren't efficient. BlueInk's SMS feature changed it all. Patients sign instantly, mistakes are rare. Our document processing time went from a frustrating 10 days down to less than an hour. Plus, it's a budget-friendly choice, and that's been a real game-changer for our pharmacy!”
Tan Pham, Pharmacist, Tytus Group, Brightside Specialty Pharmacy


How long is the trial period?

Experience our product for 14 days with our risk-free, no-obligation-free trial! No payment information is required upfront, and you can cancel anytime during the trial period without any charges. If you find our eSignature solution is the right fit, you can easily subscribe after the trial ends.

For Enterprise customers looking to explore our Enterprise features, we also offer an Enterprise free trial. Simply contact us, and our team will be more than happy to set up an Enterprise trial.

What happens if I go over my Envelope limit?

You can purchase additional capacity to accommodate your needs if you exceed your allocated usage within your chosen envelopes. At Blueink, we don't charge overage penalties to our customers.

What are Unlimited Envelopes?

Unlimited envelopes offer you the flexibility to send endless envelopes without any restrictions or limitations on the number of documents sent.

What is the difference between the Business Pro and Enterprise plans at Blueink?

The Business Pro plan offers unlimited envelopes, allowing users to send as many envelopes as needed without limitations. On the other hand, the Enterprise plan provides unlimited users, enabling multiple team members to access the platform without additional costs.

How is pricing structured for the Business Pro and Enterprise plans?

The Business Pro plan is priced based on a per-user model, where the number of users in your organization determines the cost. In contrast, the Enterprise plan is priced based on a per-envelope model.

What additional features does the Enterprise plan offer?

The Enterprise plan builds upon the Business Pro features and introduces advanced functionalities. These additional features empower Enterprise users with enhanced delivery options, customization, dedicated onboarding support, and more comprehensive capabilities.

Does Blueink offer a non-profit discount?

Absolutely! We are proud to extend a special non-profit discount to eligible customers as part of our commitment to supporting non-profit organizations.

How can I get pricing for the Enterprise plan?

Contact our sales team to obtain a personalized quote for the Enterprise plan that suits your needs. They're here to collaborate, understand your requirements, and provide a fitting pricing plan.

How does API  Plans & Pricing differ from Platform Plans & Pricing at Blueink?

API  Plans & Pricing and Platform Plans & Pricing at Blueink cater to different user needs and functionalities.

API Plans & Pricing

Tailored for developers and businesses needing Blueink's eSignature integration. Programmatically manage signatures via APIs for custom workflows and seamless embedding into your tools.

Platform Plans & Pricing

For direct eSignature platform use, ideal for individuals and businesses. Utilize Blueink's intuitive interface to send, sign, and manage documents digitally. Perfect for businesses needing robust eSignature without extensive integration needs.

API Plans & Pricing is focused on integration and customization, while our Platform Plans & Pricing are for direct use of Blueink's eSignature platform.